Digital customer events in the new format – KraussMaffei Pioneers!Talks 2021

(Munich, January 18, 2021) With the Pioneers!Talks, in 2021 KraussMaffei will continue to rely on digital events: The focus of the new format is on topics relating to current trends and developments in the plastics sector. The interactive format invites visitors to actively participate. The next two events will start in February - they will involve the demanding material Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR), and the trends and potential of plastics in medical technology
Every part a good part - Sustainable coffee enjoyment with silicone (February 10)
LSR (liquid silicone rubber) is the ideal material for the manufacture of durable, temperature-resistant and bacteria-resistant products. It is therefore ideal for applications in medical technology and in daily life. Using the example of a re-usable lid for a coffee-to-go cup, KraussMaffei, together with the mold maker ACH Solution, will demonstrate how easy and safe the successful processing of this demanding material is, and what potential it has for the zero-fault production with LSR.
Link to the event
Plastics help to cure diseases - Trends and potential in the medical industry (February 11)
Modern medical technology would be inconceivable without plastics. They support the healing process and are today vital in the truest sense of the word. We need only think of modern surgery or the experiences with Covid19. At the Pioneers!Talk, the speakers will provide an insight into the solutions KraussMaffei is developing in these challenging times and what trends can be expected in the future. Other topics in the webinar are complete traceability and digital services, which ensure continuous production even during times of restriction.
Link to the event
Contact Person

Marketing Manager Injection Molding Machinery & Contact Extrusion
Petra Rehmet
Tel +49 (0) 89 8899 2334
Mail to Petra Rehmet